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How to stop dotnet solution template from nesting the output

I have a Visual Studio solution in which I have a .template.config directory with a template.json file in it.

  "$schema": "",
  "author": "Me",
  "classifications": [ "Library" ],
  "identity": "Our.Microservice.Template",
  "name": "Our Microservice Solution Pattern",
  "shortName": "our-microservice",
  "tags": {
    "type": "solution",
    "language": "C#"
  "sourceName": "Our.Microservice.Template",
  "defaultName": "Our.Services.SERVICE-NAME-HERE",
  "preferNameDirectory": false,
  "guids": [

I also have a SolutionTemplate.nuspec in the root directory of the solution.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
      Blah blah blah.
    <license type="expression">Apache-2.0</license>
      <packageType name="Template" />
    <file src="**\*.*"             exclude="**\bin\**\*.*;**\obj\**\*.*;**\*.nuspec;**\*.nupkg;**\*.suo;docs\**;.git\**;**\.gitignore;.vs\**;.vscode\**;" 

I've been packing the the template up with:

nuget.exe pack "<path-to-dir>\SolutionTemplate.nuspec"

And then installing with:

dotnet new --install "<path-to-dir>\Our.Microservice.Template.1.0.0.nupkg"

This works, but when I create a new solution from the template, the output gets nested in an extra directory e.g.

If in the creation dialogs in VS I chose the location as c:\development\existing-git-repo then the eventual output would be


Is there a way to stop it from nesting the output in the extra directory (based on the project name)?

So the result would be:



  • In the end, the best (and only) way I found to stop the extra nesting was to make sure I create new solutions using the command line rather than via Visual Studio.

    If we use dotnet new, we can use the output option:

    dotnet new --help
    -o, --output                   Location to place the generated output.

    If we set this to ./ then this stops the extra nesting e.g.:

    dotnet new mvc -n MyMvcApp -o ./