I would like to create a grid of 4 points with lat lons (1 x 4) each 150m apart using a specific point as the start, e.g., top left of the grid. My starting point is Latitude 51.83985301, Longitude 0.885039037 would be Point 1. Can I do this in R?
Point 1 (x,y) Point 2 (x,y)
Point 3 (x,y) Point 4 (x,y)
Yes--You can do this in R!
# Use this R package
require( geosphere )
# Example distance and point
distance <- 150
tplon <- 0.885039037
tplat <- 51.83985301
ELLIPSOID <- tibble::tribble(
# Data are from help( 'distVincentyEllipsoid' )
~name , ~a , ~b , ~f
, 'WGS84' , 6378137 , 6356752.3142 , 1/298.257223563
, 'GRS80' , 6378137 , 6356752.3141 , 1/298.257222101
, 'GRS67' , 6378160 , 6356774.719 , 1/298.25
, 'Airy 1830' , 6377563.396 , 6356256.909 , 1/299.3249646
, 'Bessel 1841' , 6377397.155 , 6356078.965 , 1/299.1528434
, 'Clarke 1880' , 6378249.145 , 6356514.86955 , 1/293.465
, 'Clarke 1866' , 6378206.4 , 6356583.8 , 1/294.9786982
, 'International 1924' , 6378388 , 6356911.946 , 1/297
, 'Krasovsky 1940' , 6378245 , 6356863 , 1/298.2997381
# Choose an ellipsoid to use
cfg <- ELLIPSOID[ ELLIPSOID$name == 'WGS84', ]
# A function to determine the next point, given
# the current point, direction, and distance
from_here_this_way_so_far <- function( lon, lat, direction, distance = 150 ){
p = cbind( lon, lat )
, azi = direction
, d = distance
, a = cfg$a
, f = cfg$f
)[ 1:2 ]
# Demonstrate on the example
from_here_this_way_so_far( tplon, tplat, 0.00, 150 )
## [1] 0.885 51.841
# Get bearings for east, west, north, and south
bear <- list(
# Positive longitude change
east = bearing( c( tplon, tplat ), c( tplon+0.001, tplat ) )
# Negative longitude change
, west = bearing( c( tplon, tplat ), c( tplon-0.001, tplat ) )
# Positive latitude change
, north = bearing( c( tplon, tplat ), c( tplon, tplat+0.001 ) )
# Negative latitude change
, south = bearing( c( tplon, tplat ), c( tplon, tplat-0.001 ) )
# A function to determine the coordinates for each corner of the square
corners <- function( lon, lat ){
A <- c( lon, lat )
B <- from_here_this_way_so_far( lon, lat, bear$east, 150 )
C <- from_here_this_way_so_far( B[1], B[2], bear$south, 150 )
D <- from_here_this_way_so_far( lon, lat, bear$south, 150 )
## E <- from_here_this_way_so_far( C[1], C[2], bear$west, 150 )
## all.equal( D, E )
## [1] TRUE
result = cbind( A, B, C, D )
row.names( result ) <- c('lon','lat')
# Demonstrate using the example
corners( tplon, tplat )
## A B C D
## lon 0.885 0.8872 0.8872 0.885
## lat 51.840 51.8399 51.8385 51.839