Apologies if the below sounds elementary but basically I would like to plot a shape/signal whenever candlestick that fulfills condition A cross under candlestick that fulfills condition B (within a lookback period).
Condition A = low < low[1] and close > low[1] Condition B = close [1] < low[2] and open < close
Is there a way for me to do it while also adding a lookback period (example, 5 bars, so Condition A candlestick will look to the left 5 bars to see whether it cross any Condition B candlestick)?
Crossover and lookback periods
inferring that you want to get a signal if ConditionA is true now, and conditionB has been true in 1 of the last X candles
you have two options to do this:
1- hardcoding:
ConditionA = low < low[1]
ConditionB = close[1] < low[2]
signal = ConditionA and (ConditionB[1] or ConditionB[2] or ConditionB[3] or ConditionB[4] or ConditionB[5])
this is not an optimal solution as you won't have control over the lookback period.
2- Suggested Method: using a for loop
lookback = 10
conditionA = low < low[1]
conditionB = close[1] < low[2]
signal = false
if conditionA
for i = 1 to lookback
if conditionB[i]
signal := true
this method is better since you can use an input for your look-back period and make it dynamic.
you can then use
to plot a shape when the "Signal" variable is true
Edit: for the crossover check, edit the "if conditionB[i]" line to the following.
if conditionB[i] and open[0] > close[i] and close[0] < close[i]