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Can anyone give me some hints about this question(Family tree)?

It comes from my homework assignments. There is a family tree

                             a  +  b
                         /   |    |   \ 
                        c+u  d+c  e+w  f
                     / | \        / \
                 m+x  n+y  o      p  q

a and b is the oldest. and every married people the second person is not part of the original family. Now I need to write the spouse, sibling, children ,grandchildren, parents and grandparents function.

I wrote the list as below: ( (father mother) chlid1 child2 child3)

(((a b) c d e f) ((c u) m n o) ((d v) nil) ((e w) p q) (f nil) ((m x) r) ((n y) nil) (o nil) (p nil) (q nil)  )

I have some problems with sibling function, here is my code.

(defun sibling  (arglst lst)  
             arglst (cdr (car lst))) 
                 (rest (cdr lst))
   (T (sibling (rest lst) arglst))


I knew it was wrong, but I don't how to revise it.. and I also need some help with other functions. hope can get some hints from u guys.


  • Since this is homework, I won't give the full solution, but this should suffice for you to solve the rest:

    (defparameter *family* '(((a b) c d e f)
                             ((c u) m n o)
                             ((d v) nil)
                             ((e w) p q)
                             (f nil)
                             ((m x) r)
                             ((n y) nil)
                             (o nil)
                             (p nil)
                             (q nil)))
    (defun siblings (person family)
      "Return a list of PERSON's siblings."
      (remove person (cdr (find person family :key #'cdr :test #'member))))
    (defun siblingsp (person1 person2 family)
      "Are PERSON1 and PERSON2 siblings?"
      (find person2 (siblings person1 family)))
    (defun parents (person family)
      "Return a list of PERSON's parents."
      (car (find person family :key #'cdr :test #'member)))
    (defun parentp (parent child family)
      "Is PARENT a parent of CHILD?"
      (find parent (parents child family)))

    Try it:

    CL-USER> (siblings 'p *family*)
    CL-USER> (siblingsp 'q 'p *family*)
    CL-USER> (parents 'p *family*)
    (E W)

    Now, to find the grandparents for example, you just have to understand what grandparents are: (A list of) The parents of both parents. Then, ask yourself how it is for grandchildren. Finally, the spouse function should be rather easy, given this example.