I have a long expression which may return a positive, negative or zero decimal value. I would like to do this:
SELECT CASE WHEN {long expression} < 0 THEN 0 ELSE {long expression} END
But I don't want to repeat the long expression. I would like something like ISNULL, such as
SELECT ISNEGATIVE({long expression}, 0)
But that doesn't seem to be a thing. Obviously GREATER would work but it's 2017.
I'm pretty sure I'm hosed, but was hoping for a miracle. Anyone?
A CTE could be a good fit here. Something like:
with cte as (
select *,
longExpression = «long expression definition here»
from yourTable
select «other stuff»,
CASE WHEN longExpression < 0 THEN 0 ELSE longExpression END
from cte;