Let's say that I want to build a reusable react Accordion Component, which will have an AccordionSummary and an AccordionDetails child like this:`
<AccordionTitle>This is an accordion title</AccordionTitle>
<AccordionSummary>This is the accordion summary, which will be shown if the user clicks the accordion title </AccordionSummary>
How can I make it, so that when the AccordionTitle is clicked, the summary will be shown to the corresponding accordion. Is there a way to share data between react child and parent components for each individual accordion in this case.
You can use a context here. Sorry for promoting, but I wrote a detailed article on this topic : https://rocambille.github.io/en/2022/05/02/how-to-do-a-modal-in-react-the-html-first-approach/
This could lead to something like that for your Accordion
const AccordionContext = createContext();
function Accordion({ children }) {
const [someState, setSomeState] = useState();
return (
<AccordionContext.Provider value={ { someState, setSomeState } }>
function AccordionTitle({ children }) {
const { someState, setSomeState } = useContext(AccordionContext);
return (
function AccordionSummary({ children }) {
const { someState, setSomeState } = useContext(AccordionContext);
return (
But as stated in my article, you may want to consider HTML stuff like the summary/details tags ;)