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How to retrieve Datepicker Value from a selected cell in TableView

Basically I have tableview and a FORM. I enter value in the form and they are displayed inside the table view via a database. It looks like this: FORM and TableView

When I click on the row to select it , I want to retrieve the DatePicker value from the column Begin Datum back to the Datepicker field.

I have a onMouseClicked method like this to retrieve the text/vlaues from the selected row back to the FORM

void getSelected(MouseEvent event) {

index = tableViewBooking.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();

if (index <= -1) {

beginDate.setValue(tableColDate.getCellData(index).toString()); // problem has somewith with `toString()?`


Relevant primaryController code:

public class PrimaryController {
    ObservableList<String>  intervalList = 

        ObservableList<String>  projectTypeList = FXCollections.observableArrayList("ProjeKt Iot","Projekt Data & Analytics","Projekt SAP Intelligent Enterprise",
                "Projekt Prozess & Betrieb"," Projekt Moderne Software Architekturen ");

    private DatePicker beginDate;

    private TextField beginTime;

    private Button clearButton;
    private DatePicker endDate;

    private TextField endTime;
    private TextField reminderDesc;

    private Button saveButton;
    private ComboBox cycleComboBox;
    private ComboBox projectComboBox;
    private JFXListView<String> listofdata;
    private Button modifyButton;
    private ResourceBundle resources;

    private URL url;
    // Table View
    public TableView<Booking> tableViewBooking;
    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColName;
    public TableColumn<Booking, Double> tableColHours;
    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColType;
//    @FXML
//    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColProj;
    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColDate;
    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColSTime;
    public TableColumn<Booking, String> tableColETime;
    int index = -1 ;

    public void initialize() throws IOException, ParseException {
        projectComboBox.setValue("Projekt Moderne Software Architekturen ");

        System.out.println("Inside initialize");
        tableColName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("Name"));
        tableColDate.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("Date"));
        tableColSTime.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("startTime"));
        tableColETime.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("endTime"));
        tableColHours.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("Hours"));
        tableColType.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("Type"));


the problem here is that String is undefined type for Datepicker, it is LocalDate . So what to use here instead of .toString()?



  • You should either make the tableColDate be TableColumn<Booking, LocalDate>. Then you can remove the toString() call and everything works. The reason is that setValue() expects a LocalDate, not a String.

    Or you parse the date when you are setting the DatePicker: beginDate.setValue(LocalDate.parse(tableColDate.getCellData(index))).