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How to use different interpolation syntax in freemaker template

I am working in a legacy codebase where the is existing code that uses ${...} syntax for interpolation. Now I want to add some bash script which also happens to use ${} in some places. Now there is a clash. I want to use a different interpolation syntax (ex: {{}}) for only those shell scripts. How to do that?

# sample script
command: /home/../ ${datetime} <-- don't want to replace ${datetime}


  • There's an alternative, square bracket interpolation syntax, that you can enable with Configuration.setInterpolationSyntax(SQUARE_BRACKET_INTERPOLATION_SYNTAX). With that FreeMarker interpolations are like [=expression], instead of like ${expression}.

    See more here:

    There's a similar tag syntax setting, setTagSyntax(SQUARE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX), with which tags look like [#assign x = 1], instead of <#assign x = 1>. That's independent of the interpolation syntax, but maybe you want to set both, so people will notice easier that we are in some non-default syntax (square brackets everywhere).