The script below uses Outlook to send emails with .docx attachments.
I would like to change the PowerShell script below to also add any .html files it finds, in addition to .docx files.
Any assistance in modifying this script is appreciated.
I would like to modify this PowerShell email script which uses Outlook so send an email with an attachment.
I want to include any .html files it also sees, in addition to the .docx file.
Thanks in advance to who may be able to assist me modify this.
#SendEMail $SendTo $MailSubject $htmlOutput
# Check to see we have all the arguments
If (Test-Path -Path "C:\Users\User1\Report\Report.html") {
#Get an Outlook application object
$o = New-Object -com Outlook.Application
$mail = $o.CreateItem(0)
#2 = High importance message
$mail.importance = 1
$mail.subject = "Report: $(get-date)"
$mail.HTMLBody = "Report $(get-date)`n$(Get-Content 'C:\Users\User1\Report\Report.html'
| Out-String)"
$mail.To = ""
# Iterate over all files and only add the ones that have an .docx extension
$files = Get-ChildItem $FullPath
for ($i=0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++) {
$outfileName = $files[$i].FullName
$outfileNameExtension = $files[$i].Extension
# if the extension is the one we want, add to attachments
if($outfileNameExtension -eq '.docx')
# give time to send the email
Start-Sleep 5
# quit Outlook
#end the script
It is not clear if also files from any subdirectories should be attached or not, but here's code for both scenarios:
Scenario 1: Only files from $FullPath
, not from any subdirectories
# Iterate over all files and only add the ones that have a .docx or .html extension
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath -File | Where-Object { '.docx', '.html' -contains $_.Extension }
foreach ($file in $files) {
Scenario 2: All .docx and .html files from $FullPath
AND its subdirectories
# Iterate over all files and only add the ones that have a .docx or .html extension
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath -File -Recurse -Include '*.docx', '*.html'
foreach ($file in $files) {
After this, you can send the email.
Note To stop consuming memory, you should release the COM objects:
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($mail)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($o)
$null = [System.GC]::Collect()
$null = [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers()