Why my weakRef.Target is still alive on the second shot?
Could it be a bug? If not, where is the error?
weakRef.Target is alive = True, expected true because inst keep a hold on SomeClass.
weakRef.Target is alive = True, expected false, because there is no more ref on SomeClass.
public static class DelegateKeeper
private static ConditionalWeakTable<object, Action> cwtAction = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, Action>();
public static void KeepAlive(Action action) => cwtAction.Add(action.Target, action);
public class SomeClass
public void DoSomething() { }
public static class GcHelper
public static void Collect()
// OK surely overkill but just to make sure. I will reduce it when everyting will be understood.
GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);
GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);
SomeClass instanceSomeClass;
WeakReference<Action> weakRef;
public void TestLifeOfObject()
Debug.WriteLine($"weakRef.Target is alive = {weakRef.TryGetTarget(out _)}, expected true because inst keep a hold on SomeClass.");
Debug.WriteLine($"weakRef.Target is alive = {weakRef.TryGetTarget(out _)}, expected false, because there is no more ref on SomeClass.");
private void Init()
instanceSomeClass = new SomeClass();
var action = instanceSomeClass.DoSomething;
weakRef = new WeakReference<Action>(action);
private void RemoveLastReferenceOnSomeClass()
instanceSomeClass = null;
I also asked the question at Microsoft and got the right answer from Viorel-1: learn.microsoft.com
Answer: Remove the first "Debug.WriteLine" in sample.
The reason is the exact same one as this question: Unexpected behavior of object life with WeakReference usage [duplicate] and this one: Collect objects still in scope - GC.Collect
The reason is: Either if I use weakReference out parameter discard** : "_", there is a reference to the invisble return value that is used and is in scope. Until that reference stay in scope (the time of the function), there is a reference to the weakReference target. I mean the weakReference stay in state "reachable/rooted" for the garbage collector until the function ends.
By removing the first "Debug.WriteLine", I got the expected behabior. Microsoft reference
** "Discards" are placeholder variables that are intentionally unused in application code. In code, "Discard" is represented as "_" (underscore).