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Does ArgoCD perform kubernetes build to detect out-of-sync

I refactored my k8s objects to use Kustomization, Components, replacements, patches and got to a good DRY state so that I don't repeat much between 2 apps and between those across dev and test environments. While doing so I am referring to objects outside of the folder (but same repository)

  - ../../common-nonprod
  - ../../common-nonprod-ui

My question is will ArgoCD be able to detect a change in the app if any of the files inside the common folders change that this application refers to as components.

In other words does ArgoCD performs kustomize build to detect what changed ?


  • Yes. ArgoCD runs kustomize build to realize your manifests before trying to apply them to the cluster. ArgoCD doesn't care which files have changed; it simply cares that the manifests produced by kustomize build differ (or not) from what is currently deployed in the cluster.