I am trying to implement Firebase in my app. In the second step, it says to download and add google-services.json. My question is if last month I implemented an old app with Firebase and added that google-services.json to that app, can I add the google-services.json file of that old app in my new app or I should redownload it as it is unique for every different app/Firebase project?
In summary, can I use the same google-services.json for every app I have or I should download the google-serices.json associated with each Firebase project as it is unique for each different app?
can I add the google-services.json file of that old app in my new app or I should redownload it as it is unique for every different app/Firebase project?
No, you should always download the google-services.json file each time a new application is added to your Firebase project. Why? That's because each application is identified through its own unique package name.