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specify build action of content - Nuget

What is the simplest way to tell Nuget package to add all css files as an embedded resource (ie build action is embedded resource).

I am trying to do it through install.ps1 in the tools folder but still cant get anywhere

Note: I am creating the package from the directory structure(tools\content\lib)

This is my install.ps1 which does not work.

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
$MsbNS = @{msb = ''}    
function EmbeddContent($ProjectLink, [string]$XPath)
    $nodes = @(Select-Xml $XPath $ProjectLink -Namespace $MsbNS | Foreach {$_.Node})

    foreach ($node in $nodes)
        $cet = $node.ownerdocument.CreateElement("EmbeddedResource")
        $cet.setAttribute("Include", $node.Include)
        $parent = $node.ParentNode          
$fileLocation = $project.FileName

$proj = [xml](gc $fileLocation)
Embeddcontent $fileLocation '//msb:Project/msb:ItemGroup/msb:Content'

Help Please ..


  • You can use DTE instead of messing with xml to change the BuildAction. From

    $item = $project.ProjectItems | where-object {$_.Name -eq "ReleaseNotes.txt"} 
    $item.Properties.Item("BuildAction").Value = [int]3

    This link shows the enumeration values: