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Python Export Dictionary to CSV

I'm new in Python and I've been trying to create csv file and save each result in a new row. The results consist of several rows and each line should be captured in csv. However, my csv file separate each letter into new row. I also need to add new key values for the filename, but I dont know how to get the image filename (input is images). I used the search bar searching for similar case/recommended solution but still stumped. Thanks in advance.

with open('glaresss_result.csv','wt') as f:
f.write(",".join(res1.keys()) + "\n")
for imgpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, "*.png")):
    res1,res = send_request_qcglare(imgpath)
    for row in zip(*res1.values()):
        f.write(",".join(str(n) for n in row) + "\n")

dictionary res1 printed during the iteration returns:

{'glare': 'Passed', 'brightness': 'Passed'}

The results should be like this (got 3 rows):

  • glare brightness
  • Passed Passed
  • Passed Passed
  • Passed. Passed

But the current output looks like this:

Current output in csv


  • Few things I changed.

    • w is enough, since t for text mode is default
    • no need to close the csv when using a context manager
    • no need for zip and str(n) for n in row. Just join the 2 values of the dictionary


    with open('glaresss_result.csv','w') as f: 
        f.write(",".join([*res1] + ['filename']) + "\n") # replace filename with whatever columnname you want
        for imgpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, "*.png")):
            res1,res = send_request_qcglare(imgpath)
            f.write(",".join([*res1.values()] + [imgpath]) + "\n") # imgpath (which needs to be a string) will be the value of each row, replace with whatever you suits