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How do I remove a Visual Studio Marketplace publisher under my account?

I am not able to delete publishers from the UI and there is no option for deleting via the tfx-cli either.

No options in the UI in marketplace and tried this answer but there is no such command in the cli.


  • See here.

    For example, you need a user that have permission like 'Owner' in marketplace 'publisher' instance.

    You need to generate a Personal Access Token on DevOps side that have these permission:

    enter image description here

    Or you can simply select the 'Full access' section of the 'Scopes'.

    After that, install the tool 'vsce':

    npm install --global vsce

    After the tool installed successfully, run this command:

    vsce delete-publisher <publisher ID>

    After give the personal access token and confirmation, the publisher will delete successfully:

    enter image description here


    The publisher ID is here:

    enter image description here