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Cypress mock module federation micro frontent

My application has an auth micro frontend which creates a singleton instance for sharing the auth state with all the micro frontends in the application.

The auth class exposes some methods like so

    getUser: () => {...} 
    isAuthenticated: () => true

In the app I load in the MF, get the instance, and call the methods I need.

import { Auth } from 'auth/services/Auth';

const auth = Auth.getInstance();

const component = () => {
    const isAuthenticated = auth.isAuthenticated();

I use webpack module federation to load in the MF at run time.

    plugins: [
        new ModuleFederationPlugin({
            name: 'mf',
            remotes: {
                auth: 'auth@https://localhost:3099/remoteEntry.js',

Is there a way I can mock the auth instance in Cypress? I would like to call the methods the auth instance exposes with mock data.


  • One way of mocking the internals of an app is to expose a reference for the test to modify.

    import { Auth } from 'auth/services/Auth';
    const auth = Auth.getInstance();
    if (window.Cypress) {
    const component = () => {
        const isAuthenticated = auth.isAuthenticated();


    cy.visit('/', {
      onBeforeLoad: (win) => {
        cy.stub(win.auth, 'isAuthenticated').returns(true)