When I would like to insert new document into DynamoDB database, Date type property date
is inserted without any problem.
table.create("User", {
accountName: "johndoe",
email: "test@test74.test",
date: new Date(), // Date is inserted without any problem
username: "johndoe",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
But later, when I would like to update the document date
property, I will get the following error:
Error: Unsupported type passed: Mon Oct 31 2022 16:15:25 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time).
Pass options.convertClassInstanceToMap=true to marshall typeof object as map attribute.
DynamoDB update code:
table.update("User", {pk: "johndoe"}, {
set: {
date: new Date()
Thanks a lot for each help.
Try with ISO format
table.update("User", {pk: "johndoe"}, {
set: {
date: new Date().toISOString()
Also using Date as a partition key is not a good idea :)