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Multiple category id wise show product in laravel 9

I am trying to building ecoommerce system using laravel 9. Everything goes fine but Suddenly I got one issue. I want to show product based on category id but my product table category id store multiple. Bellow I am showing my table structure:

Product Table:

|   1    | T-shirts |    1,2,    |   active  |
|   2    | Pants    |    4,3,    |   active  |
|   3    | Sweaters |    5,2,    |   active  |

Category Table

|   1    | General  |
|   2    | News     |
|   3    | Festival |
|   4    | Category |


public function category($slug)
    $cat = Category::where('slug', $slug)->first();

    $products = Product::whereIn('cat_id', [$cat->id])->where('status', 'active')->orderby('id', 'asc')->paginate('12');

    return view('frontend/Catproducts', compact('products', 'cat'));

Now I want when I am click on "NEWS" category I want to see two product. How can I fix it


  • As @aynber said in the comments, best solution is to normalize the database, so you have a setup like this:

    Categories table:

    • id
    • name

    Products table:

    • id
    • name
    • status

    Product_categories table:

    • id
    • product_id
    • category_id

    With a belongsToMany relationship from Product to Category(and back), your query should look something like:

    $categoryIdArray = [2];
        ::whereHas('category', function($query) use($categoryIdArray) {
            $query->whereIn('id', $categoryIdArray);

    It is still possible with your current setup though, while a little hacky:

    $cat = Category
        ::where('slug', $slug)
    $catId = $cat->id;
    $products = Product
        ::where(function($where) {
            $where->where('cat_id', 'like', "$catId,%")//Look for first cat in col, don't forget trailing comma
                ->orWhere('cat_id', 'like', "%,$catId,%")//Look for appended cat between commas
        ->where('status', 'active')
        ->orderby('id', 'asc')

    This will work on small scale, but because we are using like, mysql needs to check ALL records, and cannot optimize the query. That's the reason why normalization is important :)