I need to scrape in python a page that has some classes that are number like class1, class2, class3, ... classN
and I would like to locate the text contained in all those classes.
I tried using find_element()
list = []
for i in range(N-1)
list.append(driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "class" + str(i+1) ).text))
but unfortunately I get this error message:
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":".class1"}
(Session info: chrome=107.0.5304.68)
Is there any other way I could succeed in this scraping?
This is the page I would like to scrape and I would like to get the games won by both players per every set.
In the source code the classes are named "smh__part smh__home smh__part--" + str(i+1)
and respectively "away"
only accept single class name not multiple.
Instead use css selector
. use python format()
list = []
for i in range(N-1):
list.append(driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[class='smh__part smh__home smh__part--{}']".format(i+1)).text)
with single class value
list = []
for i in range(N-1):
list.append(driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "smh__part--" + str(i+1) ).text)