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UPDATE with multiple JOIN on CASE

I am writing an UPDATE sql query within Postgres 12.

The query is very complex and it needs to contain JOIN and CASE in order to work. I can not get my head around it so far. I need to update an approval_status column on the comment_response table.

The team_member_manager table indicates who needs to approve comments and they are only valid ones (even if there are more others in the post_comment_response_approval)

There are 4 Cases I need:

  • If everyone who needs to submit responses has submitted an approval, then the status - should be approved.

  • If there are no associated team_member_manager records, the status also should be approved.

  • If anyone has rejected it, the status should be rejected.

  • Otherwise, the status should be pending.

Here are table structures with right values.

post_comment_response table:

id post_comment_id comment approval_status
1 1173 Hello World NULL

post_comment table:

id post_id
1173 652

post table:

id message_id team_member_id
652 110 60735

team_member_manager table:

id managing_team_member_id managed_team_member_id
55 68893 60735
56 68893 60736

team_member table:

id team_id member_id
68893 91 1

post_comment_response_approval table:

id post_comment_response_id team_member_id approved note
54 1 60735 true This one should be included
70 1 666 true This should not
70 1 60736 false This should be included

NOTE: I'am defining how is manager and who is managed member by doing JOIN managing_team_member_id is the one with defined value (91) managed_team_member_id value I want to get by JOINing post_comment → post

My sql statement and JOINs are working as it should but I got stuck on how to implement them properly with CASEs. Can someone please help?

UPDATE post_comment_response pcr
approval_status = CASE WHEN 'first case'= 'approved'
                  WHEN 'second case' = 'approved',
                  WHEN 'third case' = 'rejected'
                  ELSE 'pending'
JOIN post_comment pc ON = 1173
JOIN post p ON = pc.post_id
JOIN team_member_manager tmm ON tmm.managed_team_member_id = p.team_member_id
JOIN team_member mgr ON = tmm.managing_team_member_id
WHERE mgr.team_id = 91;


  • "if all related rows from team_member_manager_approval are approved then approve, if even one of them is false, then reject"

    To get this result, you need to use the aggregate function bool_and applied to the column approved of table post_comment_response_approval while grouping the rows on

    "if there are no rows also approve"

    To get this result, you need to LEFT JOIN the table post_comment_response_approval with other tables so that if no row matches, then a NULL value will be populated for the columns coming from that table.

    Then you can use a CASE WHEN ... THEN ... END statement to convert the boolean result of bool_and into a text : true => 'approve', false => 'reject'. If no row exists in table post_comment_response_approval then bool_and(...) will return NULL and COALESCE(bool_and(...), true) will return true so that to select the 'approve' value.

    As you can't use an aggregate function directly in the SET clause of an UPDATE, then you have to implement the query in a cte, and to refer to the cte result in the UPDATE.

    Starting from your data sample, and trying to follow your business logic, the solution to update the approval_status in the post_comment_response table and which corresponds to post_comment = 1173 and team_member.team_id = 91 is :

    WITH list AS (
 , pcr.post_comment_id, pcr.comment
         , CASE WHEN COALESCE(bool_and(pcra.approved), true) THEN 'approve' WHEN NOT bool_and(pcra.approved) THEN 'reject' ELSE 'pending' END AS approval_status
      FROM post_comment_response pcr
      LEFT JOIN post_comment_response_approval pcra ON pcra.post_comment_response_id =
      JOIN team_member_manager tmm ON tmm.managed_team_member_id = pcra.team_member_id
      JOIN team_member tm ON = tmm.managing_team_member_id
     WHERE pcr.post_comment_id = 1173
       AND tm.team_id = 91
      GROUP BY, pcr.post_comment_id, pcr.comment
    UPDATE post_comment_response pcr
       SET approval_status = l.approval_status
      FROM list l
     WHERE = ;

    But you can also update all the rows of the post_comment_response table at once with the following query :

    WITH list AS (
 , pcr.post_comment_id, pcr.comment
         , CASE WHEN COALESCE(bool_and(pcra.approved), true) THEN 'approve' WHEN NOT bool_and(pcra.approved) THEN 'reject' ELSE 'pending' END AS approval_status
      FROM post_comment_response pcr
      LEFT JOIN post_comment_response_approval pcra ON pcra.post_comment_response_id =
      JOIN team_member_manager tmm ON tmm.managed_team_member_id = pcra.team_member_id
      JOIN team_member tm ON = tmm.managing_team_member_id
      JOIN post_comment pc ON = pcr.post_comment_id
      JOIN post p ON = pc.post_id
      JOIN team_member_manager tmm2 ON tmm2.managed_team_member_id = p.team_member_id AND tmm2.managing_team_member_id =
     GROUP BY, pcr.post_comment_id, pcr.comment
    UPDATE post_comment_response pcr
       SET approval_status = l.approval_status
      FROM list l
     WHERE = ;

    see the test result in dbfiddle