How To Remove Characters from String based on Some Conditions ? Knowing that I have one string where I need to :
Example : Word : Transmuted
After Step01 ( Removing Vowels) => Trnsmtd After Step02 ( Removing Duplicate Consnants , here "2nd t", "2nd n", "2nd s" ) ==> Trnsmd After Step03 ( Removing 1st and Last Characters if word starts or ends with "t" and "d" => rnsm
Here is my first part of python Script , need the remaining 2 Steps:
string = "Transmuted"
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U']
result = ""
for i in range(len(string)):
if string[i] not in vowels:
result = result + string[i]
print("\nAfter removing Vowels: ", result)
OUTPUT : After removing Vowels: Trnsmtd
Here's another version of Step 01:
result = ''.join([letter for letter in word if letter.lower() not in vowels])
For step 02, you could do this (there are probably more efficient methods, but this works):
result2 = ""
for i in result:
if i.lower() not in result2 and i.upper() not in result2:
result2 += i
For step 03
filter_out = {'d','t'}
result3 = result2[1:] if result2[0].lower() in filter_out else result2
result3 = result3[:-1] if result3[-1].lower() in filter_out else result3
print(result + ' '+result2+' '+result3)