Search code examples

Bootstrap Input border colour and inside border issue

As you can see, the form I have three input fields with inline labels. Actually, I'm providing the input field a border width, but the issue is that the bottom and right borders are taken by default. I'm not sure what the problem is. Second, the inside border appears when I click on input.

I wish to correct these bugs.

            margin-right: 75px;
        .search-input {
            margin-top: 5px;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
            *display: inline;     /* for IE7*/          /* for IE7*/
            border-width: 2px !important;

        .search-label {
            *display: inline;     /* for IE7*/
            zoom:1;              /* for IE7*/
            float: left;
            padding-top: 5px;
            text-align: right;
            width: 80px;
          <div class="d-flex my-2 left-align flex-column gap-2 w-100 " >

                  <div class="block">
                      <label class="fw-bold search-label" >Warehouse</label>
                      <input class="search-input" type="search"/>
                  <div class="block">
                      <label class="fw-bold search-label">Location</label>
                      <input class="search-input" type="search"/>
                  <div class="block">
                      <label class="fw-bold search-label">Employee</label>
                      <input class="search-input" type="search"/>



    1. By default border takes it's default border color, so we have to mention border-color.
    2. On focus in the input field it takes it's default border radius to 10px, so it also need to be declared(border-radius) as your wish to match with border radius.

    By doing this, you can correct those bugs. 😊

      margin-right: 75px;
    .search-input {
      margin-top: 5px;
      margin-bottom: 5px;
      *display: inline;     /* for IE7*/          /* for IE7*/
      border-width: 2px !important;
      border-color: black;  /* added border-color to match with border color */
      border-radius: 3px;   /* added border-radius to match with border radius on focus */
      border-radius: 0px !important;
    .search-label {
      *display: inline;     /* for IE7*/
      zoom:1;              /* for IE7*/
      float: left;
      padding-top: 5px;
      text-align: right;
      width: 80px;
    <div class="d-flex my-2 left-align flex-column gap-2 w-100 " >
                      <div class="block">
                          <label class="fw-bold search-label" >Warehouse</label>
                          <input class="search-input" type="search"/>
                      <div class="block">
                          <label class="fw-bold search-label">Location</label>
                          <input class="search-input" type="search"/>
                      <div class="block">
                          <label class="fw-bold search-label">Employee</label>
                          <input class="search-input" type="search"/>