I have the data in a txt.How should i do to convert the data to Gray Scale Image output?Thx!
The number of rows is 2378 and the number of columns is 5362.
I'm a noob in python.I have tried this,but it did not work.
from numpy import *
from PIL import Image
def rdnumpy(txtname):
f = open(txtname)
line = f.readlines()
lines = len(line)
for l in line:
le = l.strip('\n').split(' ')
columns = len(le)
A = zeros((lines, columns), dtype=int)
A_row = 0
for lin in line:
list = lin.strip('\n').split(' ')
A[A_row:] = list[0:columns]
A_row += 1
return A
A = rdnumpy('oop.txt')
im = Image.fromarray(array)
im = im.convert('L')
Your code with small changes (see # <<<
in code):
from numpy import *
from PIL import Image
def rdnumpy(txtname):
f = open(txtname)
line = f.readlines()
lines = len(line)
for l in line:
le = l.strip('\n').split(' ')
columns = len(le)
A = zeros((lines, columns), dtype=uint8) # <<< uint8
A_row = 0
for lin in line:
list = lin.strip('\n').split(' ')
A[A_row:] = list[0:columns]
A_row += 1
return A
A = rdnumpy('PIL_imgFromText.txt')
im = Image.fromarray(A) # <<< A
im = im.convert('L')
creates in case of 'PIL_imgFromText.txt'
100 128 156
200 225 255
following grayscale image (magnified):
P.S. Below a suggestion how the code of the function can be further improved:
import numpy as np
def rdnumpy_improved(txtname):
lst = []
with open(txtname) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
imgSizeY = len(lines)
imgSizeX = len(lines[0].strip('\n').split(' '))
for line in lines:
lst_c = line.strip('\n').split(' ')
assert imgSizeX == len(lst_c)
lst += lst_c
A = np.array(lst, dtype=uint8).reshape((imgSizeY, imgSizeX))
return A
and finally how the entire code can be shorten to a one-liner using numpy.loadtxt()
function (as suggested in another answer)
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
Image.fromarray(np.loadtxt('PIL_imgFromText.txt', dtype=np.uint8)).save('PIL_imgFromText.png')