I want to add hours and group within itself by date. It is, but want to show on x-axis. I tried this but couldn't use properly. Getting following error.
"gnuplot.gnu" line 16: undefined variable: rowstacked
Edit:I have to show data whether intersect each other. Each individual draws line is independent in my scenario. So I've to stick to individual indicator lines. I have to use times and dates over x-axis in line plot mode below.
### plot easy!
reset session
set key left box
set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb"#ffffff" behind
set datafile separator tab
set grid x y my
set xlabel "Setted"
set ylabel "Getted "
set title "Sensor Datas"
set style lines rowstacked title offset 0,-1
set autoscale
#set xtics ("12:00 PM" 0, "6:00 PM" 1, "12:00 PM" 2, "6:00 PM" 4,"12:00 PM" 5, "6:00 PM" 6 )
#plot newlines" \n group 1" , "./Sensor Datas.txt" every ::0::1, \
# newlines "group 2", "./Sensor Datas.txt" every ::2::3
plot "./Sensor Datas.txt" u 2 t "a" w l,\
"./Sensor Datas.txt" u 3 t "b" w l,\
"./Sensor Datas.txt" u 4 t "c" w l,\
"./Sensor Datas.txt" u 5 t "d" w l,\
"./Sensor Datas.txt" u 6 t "e" w l,\
"./Sensor Datas.txt" u 7 t "f" w l,
x | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
9/24/2022 | 12:00 PM | 68.60 | 64.30 | 61.60 | 54.70 | 91.40 | 148.00 |
6:00 PM | 67.08 | 55.26 | 66.50 | 54.05 | 91.20 | 152.00 | |
9/25/2022 | 12:00 PM | 70.10 | 71.60 | 64.40 | 59.00 | 85.60 | 154.00 |
6:00 PM | 74.40 | 80.40 | 67.60 | 58.80 | 96.90 | 156.30 | |
9/26/2022 | 12:00 PM | 66.20 | 90.60 | 65.70 | 55.60 | 67.90 | 156.00 |
6:00 PM | 78.80 | 107.80 | 66.20 | 56.10 | 58.50 | 153.60 |
As I understand your question, you have basically two questions:
help sum
. There is an earlier solution using a recursive function (however, which will be limited to about 250 instances, although enough for most cases).Your datafile separator is tab
, however, I'm not sure if it is possible to post tab
separated code here on SO. Anyway, that's why I've changed it here to comma
, but you can easily change it back to tab
for your original data.
Furthermore, you are using this very unfortunate 12 h (am/pm) time format. A far as I know, gnuplot can read it as input only from gnuplot 5.4.0 on. For earlier versions you have to use a workaround.
Since you skip the date every second row, you have to memorize it in d0
to plot the values at the right x-(time) position. Furthermore, you create the xticlabel yourself, by a function.
If you don't need the data points as point, simply skip the second part of the plot command. Check the example below as starting point for further optimization.
Script: (requires gnuplot>=5.4.0, because of %p
as time input format)
### rowstacked lineplot with time axis
reset session
$Data <<EOD
, , a, b, c, d, e, f
9/24/2022, 12:00 PM, 68.60, 64.30, 61.60, 54.70, 91.40, 148.00
, 6:00 PM, 67.08, 55.26, 66.50, 54.05, 91.20, 152.00
9/25/2022, 12:00 PM, 70.10, 71.60, 64.40, 59.00, 85.60, 154.00
, 6:00 PM, 74.40, 80.40, 67.60, 58.80, 96.90, 156.30
9/26/2022, 12:00 PM, 66.20, 90.60, 65.70, 55.60, 67.90, 156.00
, 6:00 PM, 78.80, 107.80, 66.20, 56.10, 58.50, 153.60
N = 8
myDateFmt = "%m/%d/%Y"
myTimeFmt = "%H:%M %p"
set key out box width 1 noautotitle
set datafile separator comma
set grid x y my front
set style fill solid 0.7 border
set tics out
set format x "\n" timedate
myDate(col) = valid(col) ? d0=timecolumn(col,myDateFmt) : d0
myTime(col) = timecolumn(col,myTimeFmt)
mySecs(col1,col2) = myDate(col1) + myTime(col2)
mySum(n) = sum [_i=3:n] column(_i)
myTic(col1,col2) = strftime("%l %p",strptime(myTimeFmt,strcol(col2)))."\n".strcol(col1)
plot for [col=3:N] $Data u (mySecs(1,2)):(mySum(col)):(mySum(col-1)):xtic(myTic(1,2)) \
w filledcurves ti columnhead(col), \
for [col=3:N] $Data u (mySecs(1,2)):(mySum(col)):(mySum(col-1)) skip 1 w lp pt 7 lc col-2
### end of script
Addition: (line plot without summation)
In your original script, you were actually plotting column 2, which is the time 12:00 pm
and 6:00 pm
and missing the 8th column. It seems like your your date and time actually is separated by tab
as well, as shown in your table.
### lineplot with time axis
reset session
$Data <<EOD
, , a, b, c, d, e, f
9/24/2022, 12:00 PM, 68.60, 64.30, 61.60, 54.70, 91.40, 148.00
, 6:00 PM, 67.08, 55.26, 66.50, 54.05, 91.20, 152.00
9/25/2022, 12:00 PM, 70.10, 71.60, 64.40, 59.00, 85.60, 154.00
, 6:00 PM, 74.40, 80.40, 67.60, 58.80, 96.90, 156.30
9/26/2022, 12:00 PM, 66.20, 90.60, 65.70, 55.60, 67.90, 156.00
, 6:00 PM, 78.80, 107.80, 66.20, 56.10, 58.50, 153.60
N = 8
myDateFmt = "%m/%d/%Y"
myTimeFmt = "%H:%M %p"
set key out box width 1 noautotitle
set datafile separator comma
set grid x y my front
set style fill solid 0.7 border
set tics out
set format x "\n" timedate
set yrange [0:]
myDate(col) = valid(col) ? d0=timecolumn(col,myDateFmt) : d0
myTime(col) = timecolumn(col,myTimeFmt)
mySecs(col1,col2) = myDate(col1) + myTime(col2)
mySum(n) = sum [_i=3:n] column(_i)
myTic(col1,col2) = strftime("%l %p",strptime(myTimeFmt,strcol(col2)))."\n".strcol(col1)
plot for [col=3:N] $Data u (mySecs(1,2)):col:xtic(myTic(1,2)) w lp pt 7 lc col-2 ti columnhead(col)
### end of script