I have something like this in my code that checks for user's license:
// C# code:
Now, I need to know if these directives get saved in my released binary or not. If they do get saved, then a user can make #if DEBUG
return true
and bypass the checks. I need to know if #if DEBUG
is safe.
PS1: Obviously I use release
mode for distribution.
PS2: I asked my question here first, but since it's not getting any attention, I ask it here again!
No, preprocessor directives are processed at compile time, namely, the compiler won't compile the section into the resulting binary. It's more like code comments, which are discarded during compilation, you can even put invalid statement there and the compiler won't complain about it.
In general, however, your code would be compiled to intermediate language(IL), which isn't native machine code and be decompiled pretty easily. If you want protection better use some AOT compilation technology or obfuscator.