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Why do I see read-write error message when creating a table or inserting rows?

I keep getting a "could not open read-write messages" when creating a table or inserting rows?

2022-10-21T17:27:11.336011Z I i.q.c.l.t.LineTcpMeasurementScheduler could not create table [tableName=cpu, ex=could not open read-write

io.questdb.cairo.CairoException: [22] could not open read-only [file=/root/.questdb/db/cpu/service.k]

I have tried the troubleshoot solution given in QuestDB forums but it does not work. If you could explain why it does not work along with the solution, I would appreciate it.


  • There are possibilities for insufficient limits for the maximum number of open files. Try and change that limit for your device. You can check more about that here