I have a table with broker names, the values they provide and the years they provided them in.
Broker | Value | Year |
A | 100 | 2020 |
A | 200 | 2021 |
B | 400 | 2020 |
B | 500 | 2021 |
On my dashboard, there is a single select slicer for the Broker. I would like to have a line and stacked column chart. The column would have the slicer selected broker Value by Year. The line i would like is an average Value of A & B by year. So, suppose i select A on my slicer, then the visual should have two columns at 100 and 200 for year 2020 and 2021 respectively. The line should show 250 and 350 respectively.
I have tried creating a measure called consensus
Consensus = CALCULATE(SUM(Broker[Value])/DISTINCTCOUNT(Broker[Broker]), ALLSELECTED())
This gives me the average across all years (300) and plots them irresptive of the year.
How do I get my measure to take account of the X axis (Year).
Thank you for your help.
How about using this measure:
Consensus =
ALLEXCEPT(Broker, Broker[Year])