I am converting the array into cookie by php serialize function
$PromoteProductArray = array("PromoteuserId"=>$PromoteuserId,
$Promotedcart[] = $PromoteProductArray;
setcookie("Promotedcart", urlencode(serialize($Promotedcart)), time()+604800,'/');
And when the cookie is created then i am using the unserialize php function.
I need to update the cookie value. E.g. - I need to search for PromoteProductId value is exit in the cookie if then it will update the cookie value coorespond to PromoteProductId . could guide me how i can update the value?
You can simply store the unserialized cookie into a variable then reset the cookie?
$array = unserialize(urldecode($_COOKIE['Promotedcart']));
$array[0]["PromoteuserId"] = "New";
setcookie("Promotedcart", urlencode(serialize($array)), time()+604800,'/');