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Error executing PowerShell.Invoke method on Current Application Pool Uptime performance counter

Good morning.

In PowerShell, Windows 10 executed the following command for performance counter Current Application Pool Uptime:

 Get-Counter -Counter '\\khubetsov-pc\APP_POOL_WAS(DefaultAppPool)\Current Application Pool Uptime'

Result of command executed: enter image description here

Next, using C # (Net Framework 4.8), I want to get the results of the PowerShell command above:

var ps = PowerShell.Create();

var command = new Command(@"Get-Counter", isScript: false);

var commandParameter = new CommandParameter("Counter", @"\\khubetsov-pc\APP_POOL_WAS(DefaultAppPool)\Current Application Pool Uptime");


var result = ps.Invoke();

However, there is no data in the result variable, the HadErrors property of the PowerShell class instance has a value of True and the following error text is set: The specified counter was not found.


  1. As I understood, the error is related to specifying an incorrect value for the performance counter path;
  2. How do I correctly convey the meaning of a path if any recommendations or rules;


  • It was found that when passing the name of the counter in the current language (in this case, Russian), everything works. Below is a special service:

    public static class PerformanceCounterService
        private static (string Russian, string English) _performanceCounterName = ("текущее время работы пула приложений", "current application pool uptime");
        public static float NextValueExt(PerformanceCounter performanceCounter)
            if (performanceCounter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(performanceCounter));
            if (performanceCounter.CounterName.ToLower() == _performanceCounterName.English)
                var separator = @"\";
                var instance = string.IsNullOrEmpty(performanceCounter.InstanceName) ? string.Empty : $"({performanceCounter.InstanceName})";
                var counterName = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name == CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US").Name ? _performanceCounterName.English : _performanceCounterName.Russian;
                var path = string.Concat(separator, performanceCounter.CategoryName, instance, separator, counterName);
                var computerName = string.Empty;
                if (performanceCounter.MachineName != ".")
                    computerName = $"-ComputerName '{performanceCounter.MachineName}'";
                var script = $"(Get-Counter -Counter '{path}' {computerName}).CounterSamples";
                var ps = PowerShell.Create()
                var iResult = ps.Invoke();
                if (!ps.HadErrors)
                    var psObject = iResult.FirstOrDefault()?.Members["CookedValue"]?.Value ?? default;
                    return Convert.ToSingle(psObject);
            return performanceCounter.NextValue();