I want to filter in a project where I use devextreme datagrid. It sends a request to the Datagrid backend service in json format as follows.
"2022/10/06 22:35:00"
"2022/10/28 22:35:00"
"2022/10/22 23:12:00"
"2022/10/22 23:13:00"
I decode the incoming json data and convert it to an array.
JSON Decoded Array:
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => created_at
[1] => >=
[2] => 2022/10/06 22:35:00
[1] => and
[2] => Array
[0] => created_at
[1] => <=
[2] => 2022/10/28 22:35:00
[1] => and
[2] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => payment_date
[1] => >=
[2] => 2022/10/22 23:12:00
[1] => and
[2] => Array
[0] => payment_date
[1] => <
[2] => 2022/10/22 23:13:00
[1] => and
[2] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => amount
[1] => <
[2] => 500
[1] => or
[2] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => amount
[1] => >=
[2] => 500
[1] => Array
[0] => amount
[1] => <
[2] => 1000
I want to convert this resulting array into a hierarchical sql query. The result should be as follows.
((created_at >= :created_at_0: AND created_at <= :created_at_1:) AND (payment_date >= :payment_date_2: AND payment_date < :payment_date_3:)) AND (amount < :amount_4: OR (amount >= :amount_5: AND amount < :amount_6:))
How should I go about getting this result?
I got the result with RecursiveArrayIterator. I'm sharing it here so it can help someone else.
* Developer: ONUR KAYA
* Contact: empatisoft@gmail.com
namespace Empatisoft\Devextreme;
use RecursiveArrayIterator;
class Functions {
* @var string
* SQL Query Where Conditions with bind parameters
private string $conditions = '';
* @var string
* SQL Query Where Conditions with raw values
private string $conditionsRaw = '';
* @var array
* PDO bind params (key => value)
private array $bind = [];
* @var int
private int $bindParamCount = 0;
public function getConditions() {
//$filters = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'filter');
$filters = '[[["student_number","contains","224"],"and",[["created_at",">=","2022/10/01 08:28:00"],"and",["created_at","<=","2022/10/31 08:28:00"]]],"and",[[["amount",">=",500],"and",["amount","<",1000]],"or",[["amount",">=",1000],"and",["amount","<",5000]],"or",[["amount",">=",5000],"and",["amount","<",10000]]]]';
$filters = $filters != null ? json_decode($filters, true) : [];
$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($filters);
while ($iterator->valid()) {
if ($iterator->hasChildren()) {
$this->conditions .= '(';
$this->conditionsRaw .= '(';
foreach ($iterator->getChildren() as $children) {
if(is_string($children) && ($children == 'or' || $children == 'and')) {
$this->conditions .= " $children ";
$this->conditionsRaw .= " $children ";
} else {
if(is_string($children) && ($children == 'or' || $children == 'and')) {
$this->conditions .= " $children ";
$this->conditionsRaw .= " $children ";
} else {
if (count($children) == count($children, COUNT_RECURSIVE)) {
if(is_string($children) && ($children == 'or' || $children == 'and')) {
$this->conditions .= " $children ";
$this->conditionsRaw .= " $children ";
} else
} else {
$this->conditions .= '(';
$this->conditionsRaw .= '(';
if(!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
if(is_string($child) && ($child == 'or' || $child == 'and')) {
$this->conditions .= " $child ";
$this->conditionsRaw .= " $child ";
} else
$this->conditions .= ')';
$this->conditionsRaw .= ')';
$this->conditions .= ')';
$this->conditionsRaw .= ')';
} else {
$this->conditions .= ' '.$iterator->current().' ';
$this->conditionsRaw .= ' '.$iterator->current().' ';
return [
'conditions' => $this->conditions,
'conditionsRaw' => $this->conditionsRaw,
'bind' => $this->bind
* @param array $children
* @return void
private function parseFilter(array $children): void {
$key = $children[0] ?? null;
$operator = $children[1] ?? null;
$value = $children[2] ?? null;
$bindKey = $key.'_'.$this->bindParamCount;
switch ($operator) {
case "=":
case "<>":
case ">":
case ">=":
case "<":
case "<=": {
$this->conditions .= "$key $operator :$bindKey:";
$this->conditionsRaw .= "$key $operator '$value'";
$this->bind[$bindKey] = $value;
case "startswith": {
$this->conditions .= "$key LIKE :$bindKey:";
$this->conditionsRaw .= "$key LIKE '$value%'";
$this->bind[$bindKey] = "$value%";
case "endswith": {
$this->conditions .= "$key LIKE :$bindKey:";
$this->conditionsRaw .= "$key LIKE '%$value'";
$this->bind[$bindKey] = "%$value";
case "contains": {
$this->conditions .= "$key LIKE :$bindKey:";
$this->conditionsRaw .= "$key LIKE '%$value%'";
$this->bind[$bindKey] = "%$value%";
case "notcontains": {
$this->conditions .= "$key NOT LIKE :$bindKey:";
$this->conditionsRaw .= "$key NOT LIKE '%$value%'";
$this->bind[$bindKey] = "%$value%";
default: {