I am trying to run a simple glm model like this.
mtcars$Name <- row.names(mtcars)
row.names(mtcars) <- NULL
glm(mpg ~ wt, data=mtcars)
No issues so far.
Next I am trying to run this model on every subgroup of gear
i.e gear=3, gear=4, gear=5
so I am running my glm model within a dlply function like this.
Model1 <- plyr::dlply(mtcars, "gear",
glm(mpg ~ wt,
data =x ),
error = function(e) NA), .drop = TRUE)
SummaryCars <- map2_df(Model1,
~broom::tidy(.x, confint = TRUE)[2,] %>%
mutate(gear = .y))
Now I have a third subgroup carb
. This variable has 6 levels
1 2 3 4 6 8
7 10 3 10 1 1
Exclude carb levels 6 and 8. I like to run my model on carb
levels 1,2,3,&4. For each level of gear
. But I like to exclude one level of carb during each iteration.
Model1 - Carb Level 1,2,3 (Exclude data from carb= 4)
Model1 <- plyr::dlply(mtcars, "gear",
glm(mpg ~ wt,
data =x ),
error = function(e) NA), .drop = TRUE)
SummaryCars <- map2_df(Model1,
~broom::tidy(.x, confint = TRUE)[2,] %>%
mutate(gear = .y))
**Model2 ** - Carb Level 1,2,4 (Exclude data from carb= 3)
Model1 <- plyr::dlply(mtcars, "gear",
glm(mpg ~ wt,
data =x ),
error = function(e) NA), .drop = TRUE)
SummaryCars <- map2_df(Model1,
~broom::tidy(.x, confint = TRUE)[2,] %>%
mutate(gear = .y))
**Model3 ** - Carb Level 1,3,4 (Exclude data from carb= 2)
Model1 <- plyr::dlply(mtcars, "gear",
glm(mpg ~ wt,
data =x ),
error = function(e) NA), .drop = TRUE)
SummaryCars <- map2_df(Model1,
~broom::tidy(.x, confint = TRUE)[2,] %>%
mutate(gear = .y))
**Mode4l ** - Carb Level 2,3,4 (Exclude data from carb= 1)
Model1 <- plyr::dlply(mtcars, "gear",
glm(mpg ~ wt,
data =x ),
error = function(e) NA), .drop = TRUE)
SummaryCars <- map2_df(Model1,
~broom::tidy(.x, confint = TRUE)[2,] %>%
mutate(gear = .y))
As you can see I can run the model within each levels of Gear (3,4,5) but I am not sure how to add another loop on top of this where data from one level is exclude and rest are considered.
Expected Final Results
Model SubModel Estimate Lower(CI) Upper(CI) stdError p
Exclude carb= 4 Gear = 3 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 4 Gear = 4 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 4 Gear = 5 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 3 Gear = 3 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 3 Gear = 4 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 3 Gear = 5 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 2 Gear = 3 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 2 Gear = 4 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 2 Gear = 5 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 1 Gear = 3 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 1 Gear = 4 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Exclude carb= 1 Gear = 5 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have included the code in my question showing what I have tried.
This solution uses nested purrr::map_dfr()
calls around broom::tidy(lm())
Edit: OP asked for a solution that handles subsets with no valid data. I now do that by wrapping the tidy(lm())
call in purrr::possibly()
. The output will include a single row of NA
model parameters for invalid models.
# rmv carb == 6 or 8, add test case with all missing data, then split by gear
mtc_gears <- filter(mtcars, carb <= 4) %>%
mutate(wt = if_else(gear == 4 & carb != 4, NA_real_, wt))
mtc_gears <- split(mtc_gears, mtc_gears$gear)
safe_tidy_lm <- possibly(
function(formula, data) tidy(lm(formula, data = data), conf.int = TRUE),
tibble(.rows = 1)
\(carb_drop) map_dfr(
\(mtc_gear) safe_tidy_lm(
mpg ~ wt,
data = filter(mtc_gear, carb != carb_drop)
.id = "Gear"
.id = "Exclude Carb"
#> Warning in qt(a, object$df.residual): NaNs produced
#> Warning in qt(a, object$df.residual): NaNs produced
#> # A tibble: 23 × 9
#> `Exclude Carb` Gear term estim…¹ std.e…² stati…³ p.value conf.…⁴ conf.…⁵
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 3 (Interc… 25.1 3.51 7.14 3.15e-5 17.2 32.9
#> 2 1 3 wt -2.44 0.842 -2.90 1.59e-2 -4.32 -0.563
#> 3 1 4 (Interc… 30.2 3.61 8.37 1.40e-2 14.7 45.7
#> 4 1 4 wt -3.38 1.16 -2.92 1.00e-1 -8.37 1.61
#> 5 1 5 (Interc… 44.4 1.82 24.3 2.62e-2 21.2 67.5
#> 6 1 5 wt -8.92 0.769 -11.6 5.47e-2 -18.7 0.846
#> 7 2 3 (Interc… 28.9 3.01 9.58 5.11e-6 22.1 35.7
#> 8 2 3 wt -3.28 0.733 -4.47 1.55e-3 -4.93 -1.62
#> 9 2 4 (Interc… 30.2 3.61 8.37 1.40e-2 14.7 45.7
#> 10 2 4 wt -3.38 1.16 -2.92 1.00e-1 -8.37 1.61
#> # … with 13 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹estimate, ²std.error,
#> # ³statistic, ⁴conf.low, ⁵conf.high
Created on 2022-11-01 with reprex v2.0.2