I am writing a junit test using Spring Boot JPA. My entity has an attribute of type UUID (BaseEntity defines a Long id which is a sequence in database). My mapping is in a orm.xml file:
public class User extends BaseEntity {
private String username;
private UUID uuid;
I have defined a UserRepoImpl class that search for a User using a given UUID (jpaRepo being an interface extending JpaRepository<User,Long>:
public Optional<User> getUserByUuid(UUID aUuid) {
return jpaRepo.findByUuid(aUuid);
I have written a junit to test this method against a H2 database and I use a sql file to insert data before the test :
@DataJpaTest(includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ANNOTATION, classes = Repository.class))
public class UserRepositoryImplTest {
private UserRepositoryImpl cut;
void should_ReturnUser_WhenUUIDExist() {
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("9fc1cd41-9d28-463f-94b9-542836572802");
Optional<User> user = cut.getUserByUuid(uuid);
Assertions.assertEquals(1L, user.get().getId());
Assertions.assertEquals(uuid, user.get().getUuid());
The SQL file inserts a user with a UUID that I have converted : INSERT INTO USERS (id, USERNAME, UUID) VALUES (3, 'user3', X'9FC1CD419D28463F94B9542836572802');
The test fails because getUserByUuid() doesn't return any user.
What I don't understand is why the UUID column is generated in H2 with a binary type when there is a UUID type in H2 :
Hibernate: create table users (id bigint not null, username varchar(255), uuid binary(255), account_id bigint, primary key (id))
I tried to use varchar for storing the UUID and that works but I don't want to use varchar to store my UUID.
I use https://www.piiatomi.org/uuid_converter.html to make conversion between UUID and hex.
Any idea ? Thank you!
is a fixed-length binary string (byte array in Java) with exactly 255 bytes. This is a wrong data type for UUID values, but some versions of Hibernate ORM incorrectly choose it for UUID
You can override this default with some correct type:
private UUID uuid;