I'm Trying to make code where an employees are filtered by their skills, with if the employee has one or no skills, they don't come up. I got the first half done, getting them filtered by their skills, but whenever I try to add a COUNT, it doesn't work unless it's running entirely on its own!
Select k.employeeID, COUNT (*)
FROM EmployeeSkills_t k
GROUP BY k.employeeID
Does not want to intergrate with
select e.Employeename, s.skillDescription
from EmployeeSkills_t k
INNER JOIN Employee_t e ON k.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN Skill_t s ON k.skillID=s.skillID
ORDER BY e.Employeename, skillDescription
No need for to join an aggregate query. Instead, starting from your existing query that lists the skills of each employee, you can do a window count()
to compute how many skills each of them has. All that is left to do is to filter :
select *
from (
select e.employeename, s.skilldescription,
count(*) over(partition by e.employeeid) as cnt_employee_skills
from employeeskills_t k
inner join employee_t e on k.employeeid = e.employeeid
inner join skill_t s on k.skillid=s.skillid
) t
where cnt_employee_skills > 1
order by employeename, skilldescription