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How to extract phrases from text using specific noun-verb-noun NLTK PoS tag patterns?

I have a data frame that has a column containing some text.

I want to extract phrases from the text with the format NN + VB + NN or NN + NN + VB + NN or NN + ... + NN + VB + NN et cetera. Basically, I want to get the simple phrases with 1 to n nouns before the first encountered verb, followed by a noun.

I'm using nltk.pos_tag after tokenizing the texts to get the tag of each word, however I cannot find a way to get what I want.

I also thought about bigrams, trigrams, ngrams etc. but couldn't find a way to apply it.

Any help, please?


  • Here is a solution which utilises nltk.RegexParser with a custom grammar rule to match occurrences of any numbers of nouns, followed by a verb, followed by a noun, specifically:

    which is equivalent to,


    Parsing "Prodikos Socrates recommended Plato, and Plato recommended Aristotle" produces the following labelled parse tree:



    ['Prodikos', 'Socrates', 'recommended', 'Plato']
    ['Plato', 'recommended', 'Aristotle']

    Note: The above rule does not handle symbols and punctuation interrupting the first sequence nouns (e.g. "Prodikos, Socrates recommended Plato" will only match "Socrates recommended Plato"). There is likely a way to handle this case using some regexp pattern and the NLTK PoS tags but it is not immediately obvious to me.


    from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag, RegexpParser
    # Text for testing
    text = "Prodikos Socrates recommended Plato, and Plato recommended Aristotle"
    tokenized = word_tokenize(text)  # Tokenize text
    tagged = pos_tag(tokenized)  # Tag tokenized text with PoS tags
    # Output: [('Prodikos', 'NNP'), ('Socrates', 'NNP'), ('recommended', 'VBD'), ('Plato', 'NNP'), (',', ','),
    # ('and', 'CC'), ('Plato', 'NNP'), ('recommended', 'VBD'), ('Aristotle', 'NNP')]
    # Create custom grammar rule to label occurrences of any number of nouns, followed by a verb, followed by a noun
    my_grammar = r"""
    NOUNS_VERB_NOUN: {<N.*>+<V.*><N.*>}"""
    # Function to create parse tree using custom grammar rules and PoS tagged text
    def get_parse_tree(grammar, pos_tagged_text):
        cp = RegexpParser(grammar)
        parse_tree = cp.parse(pos_tagged_text)
        parse_tree.draw()  # Visualise parse tree
        return parse_tree
    # Function to get labels from custom grammar:
    # takes line separated NLTK regexp grammar rules
    def get_labels_from_grammar(grammar):
        labels = []
        for line in grammar.splitlines()[1:]:
        return labels
    # Function takes parse tree & list of NLTK custom grammar labels as input
    # Returns phrases which match
    def get_phrases_using_custom_labels(parse_tree, custom_labels_to_get):
        matching_phrases = []
        for node in parse_tree.subtrees(filter=lambda x: any(x.label() == custom_l for custom_l in custom_labels_to_get)):
            # Get phrases only, drop PoS tags
            matching_phrases.append([leaf[0] for leaf in node.leaves()])
        return matching_phrases
    text_parse_tree = get_parse_tree(my_grammar, tagged)
    my_labels = get_labels_from_grammar(my_grammar)
    phrases = get_phrases_using_custom_labels(text_parse_tree, my_labels)
    for phrase in phrases:
    # Output:
    # ['Prodikos', 'Socrates', 'recommended', 'Plato']
    # ['Plato', 'recommended', 'Aristotle']