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Prisma schema doesn't match DB schema

I've got a Person table that looks like this in the schema:

model Person {
  id              String    @id @default(uuid())
  firstName       String?
  lastName        String?
  roles           Role[]
  middleNames     String?
  gender          String?
  dob             DateTime?
  email           String?
  phone           String?
  address         String?
  notes           String?
  nationality     String?
  people          Person[]  @relation("RelatedPeople")
  private         String[]
  cases           Case[]
  lastEdited      DateTime?
  personTasks     String[]
  Person          Person?   @relation("RelatedPeople", fields: [personId], references: [id])
  personId        String?
  additonalFields Json?     @relation(fields: [teamId], references: [id])
  Team            Team?
  teamId          String?

And a Role table that looks like this:

model Role {
  id       String  @id @default(uuid())
  name     String
  icon     String?
  Team     Team?   @relation(fields: [teamId], references: [id])
  teamId   String?
  Person   Person? @relation(fields: [personId], references: [id])
  personId String?

But I can't see the roles column on Person in my database (Supabase psql). Neither can I see the relationship/join table that should have been created between Person and Role. So when I try to create a person with a role like so:

      const person = await prisma.person.create({
        data: { ...req.body, roles: { createMany: { data: roles } } },

I get the following error:

  Unknown arg `personId` in for type RoleCreateManyPersonInput. Did you mean `teamId`? Available args:
  type RoleCreateManyPersonInput {
    id?: String
    name: String
    icon?: String | Null
    teamId?: String | Null

I've tried doing prisma generate to update the client, and I've done prisma migrate and prisma db push several times, but it always says "nothing to update."

Very confused, please help! 🙏


  • Because you're using nested write, so you don't need to provide personId. Just remove personId in your roles data, that will work.