I have routers in my controller with openAPI annotation inline. The API is working fine but swagger URL for an endpoint is not appending the base path, due to which I am getting 403 forbidden from my API Gateways.
so, like my actual URL is http://api-dev/test-api/v1/test?p=123, this is working fine when I am using from UI application. But in swagger documentation when I am accessing the endpoint I am getting the URL as http://api-dev/test?p=123, the basePath '/test-api/v1' is missing, due to which I am getting forbidden in swagger documentation.
Below is my controller code test-controller.ts:
* tags:
* name: Test Record
* description: Get Test Record
* securityDefinitions:
* my_token:
* type: api_key
* name: my_token
* in: header
* security:
* my_token: []
* /test:
* get:
* tags: [Test Record]
* summary: ...
* consumes:
* - application/json
* produces:
* - application/json
* parameters:
* -in: ....(parameters definitions)
* responses:
* 200: ...
* 400: ...
Now I have tried to put basePath in the above annotation where tags and security token is mentioned. But it is not working
Below is my index.ts file:
const testController=require("./controllers/test-controller")
const options={
title: 'Test API ',
const swaggerSpec=swaggerJsdoc(options);
I also tried to add basePath in swaggerSpec but it is not working as well.
I got the solution, we need to put servers:[url:'/test-api/v1'] instead of basePath in swaggerDefinition.
I found the solution in the following link: https://github.com/scottie1984/swagger-ui-express/issues/189