I am deserializing an XML string to classes, I have posted the entire code below.
I would like to rename the class name "kostenvoranschlag" to a different name, for example "class kostenvoranschlagVersion1".
However, this breaks the solution. In this line "nKVs.kostenvoranschlaege" count is 0, while normally, it is 16:
For Each k As kostenvoranschlag In nKVs.kostenvoranschlaege
So I thought that it requires this specific name "kostenvoranschlag".
So I added the following to the class:
Public Class kostenvoranschlagVersion1
It still does not work.
If I leave the class name intact and just add XMLElement with the same name, it also does NOT work:
Public Class kostenvoranschlag
So I guess the XmlElement tag itself is the mistake.
Thank you!
The code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class Form1
Public Class kostenvoranschlag
Public Property kvID As Integer
Public Property kvRefID As String
Public Property intKvID As String
Public Property status As Integer
End Class
Public Class xmlinterface
Public kostenvoranschlaege() As kostenvoranschlag
End Class
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sXML As String
sXML = getTheXMLString()
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(xmlinterface))
Dim xmlstream = New MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sXML))
xmlstream.Position = 0
Dim nKVs As xmlinterface = serializer.Deserialize(xmlstream)
For Each k As kostenvoranschlag In nKVs.kostenvoranschlaege
If k.status = 2 Then
End If
' For Each Node As Xml.XmlNode In XMLRead.SelectNodes
Dim breakpointhere = 1
End Sub
End Class
I got it:
The class kostenvoranschlag does not need an XML type declaration, so it will stay like this:
Public Class kostenvoranschlag_Version1
Public Property kvID As Integer
Public Property kvRefID As String
Public Property intKvID As String
Public Property status As Integer
End Class
But the parent needs a fix:
Public Class xmlinterface
Public kostenvoranschlaege() As kostenvoranschlag_Version1
End Class