I have a Discord.py bot that I have been making recently on Replit. It has a few humor commands and it also has some moderation commands, but it doesn't make sense to me. The main issue is one of the decorators I used. I use the decorator for marking commands available to only a certain role. I use discord.ext instead of the discord library because it allows me to use a command prefix, so instead of @client.command()
, it uses @bot.command
. It doesn't make sense to me, because on (currently) line 57 of this program, I used the decorator @commands.has_any_role(Role1, Role2)
, but I don't get any errors, but on line 79, i have the same decorator, but in the console, I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 76, in <module>
@commands.has_any_role("That common coder", "The creator")
AttributeError: 'Command' object has no attribute 'has_any_role'
I do not understand why there is an error for line 79, but not line 57. Could someone tell me why it isn't giving the error for both, and what I could do to fix it. All help would be appreciated!
import os
import nextcord
import random
from nextcord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', case_insensitive=True, intents=intents)
#when bot joins server console prints
async def on_connect():
print("Your bot Greg is online!")
#commands for bot to follow
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.send('pong!')
await ctx.send('Hi new person!')
async def helpCommand(ctx, *, fromcommands=False):
if fromcommands(False):
status = 'did not'
if fromcommands(True):
status = 'did'
f'{ctx.message.author} asked for help and {status} come from the /commands command.'
await ctx.send()
description='This is a command for admins to create text channels'
@commands.has_any_role('That_common_coder', 'The creator')
async def create_text(ctx, channel_name='default-bot-name'):
guild = ctx.guild
existing_channel = nextcord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name)
if not existing_channel:
print(f'The {channel_name} channel has been created')
await guild.create_text_channel(channel_name)
async def commands(ctx):
await helpCommand(True)
description='This is a command for admins to create voice channels')
@commands.has_any_role("That common coder", "The creator")
async def create_voice(ctx, channel_name='default-bot-vc-name'):
guild = ctx.guild
existing_channel = nextcord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name)
if not existing_channel:
print(f'This channel: {channel_name} has been created')
await guild.create_voice_channel(channel_name)
@bot.command(name='ban', help='This is the command to ban users')
async def ban_user(ctx, member: nextcord.Member = None, *, reason=None):
sillyshortword = []
sillymsg = [
f'That seems kinda {random.choice(sillyshortword)}',
f'You are kinda {random.choice(sillyshortword)}', 'You are kinda sussy'
# await user.create_dm()
# await message.author.send()
if member == ctx.message.author:
print(f'Someone: {ctx.message.author} just tried to ban themself! :)')
await ctx.send(
f'You cannot ban yourself, @{ctx.message.author}! :slight_smile:')
#Note to eli: remember to change this emoji code below
await member.send(
f'Why would you try to ban yourself,{ctx.message.author}? :smile:')
await member.send(sillymsg)
if member == None:
print(f'{ctx.message.author} used /ban without any member specified :)')
await ctx.send(f'{ctx.message.author}, you have to specify a member to ban'
if reason == None:
await member.ban(reason=f'{member} has been banned for (Undefined)')
await member.send(
f"You have been banned from {ctx.guild.name}. The result of the ban was unspecified"
await member.ban(reason=reason)
await member.send(
f"You have been banned from {ctx.guild.name}. The result of the ban was {reason}"
print(f'{member} has just been banned for {reason}')
await member.send(f'You have been banned for {reason}')
await ctx.send(f'{member} has been banned.')
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.errors.CheckFailure):
await ctx.send(
'Sorry, but you do not have the required roles for this command. ERR 1629'
await ctx.send(
'Sorry, there was an undefined error. This error will soon become specified by the bot owner, and it will have a different response. ERR 16295: UNDEFINED'
bottoken = os.environ['token']
I thought that because discord.py is almost dead, that it might work if i migrated to nextcord. I still get the same error, and yes, in the Replit shell, I used python3 -m pip uninstall discord.py
, and then I used python3 -m pip install -U nextcord
. Any help would be appreciated!
You have two definitions of commands
in your code.
The first:
from nextcord.ext import commands
and the second:
async def commands(ctx):
await helpCommand(True)
When you define that function, you're hiding the module that you've imported before.