The WEB API application is authenticated using JWT token passed by the client app. Given the token from the client app I want to perform additional check to see if the user from the token belongs to a security group using GRAPH API and authorize access to the API based on that.
Please note that, if you want to authorize user through group membership you have to make use of Authorization Code Flow
to acquire the token.
Make sure to change the settings in the Portal like below:
Go to App Registration -> Your App -> Token Configuration -> Add Group Claim
Go to Manifest and update "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup"
like below:
I tried to reproduce the same via Postman and generated token via Authorization Code Flow
like below:
redirect_uri: redirect_uri
When I decoded the token, Group IDs are included like below:
You can check the below code sample to check if value of Group Name exists in Sessions or in User claims:
public static bool CheckUsersGroupMembership(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, string GroupName, IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor)
bool result = false;
if (HasOverageOccurred(context.User))
var groups = GetUserGroupsFromSession(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session);
if (groups?.Count > 0 && groups.Contains(GroupName))
result = true;
else if (context.User.Claims.Any(x => x.Type == "groups" && x.Value == GroupName))
result = true;
return result;
To know more in detail, please refer below GitHub Blog for sample code:
Azure active-directory-groupclaims: .NET web app that uses Azure AD groups for authorization