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How can Python Poetry be forced to use a certain setuptools version?

I would like to use the Python library pyhash in my project. The dependencies are managed by Poetry. If I add pyhash as a dependency, I get a build error: error in pyhash setup command: use_2to3 is invalid.

This is a well-known bug due to setuptools > 58.0.0 not supporting use_2to3 anymore. In a non-Poetry setup, the fix is easy. Just downgrade setuptools to <= 58.0.0: pip3 install setuptools==58.0.0.

However, in a Poetry project, I could not make this work. I added setuptools=58.0.0 as a dependency, but when I install my project I still get the use_2to3 error. I assume that poetry still uses a setuptools>58.0.0.

How can I fix this?


  • I found a workaround for my problem. In the case of pyhash, the dependency on use_2to3 has already been removed in the master branch. This fix has unfortunately not been released yet. However, it is possible for pip and also for poetry to install directly from a github repository. Any ref can be specified, so branches, tags and also individual commits.

    The workaround with poetry means you have to add the pyhash dependency with the git repository as source:

    poetry add git+

    One can also specify master, but this is not advisable, as any branch is a moving target and will lead to non-reproducable releases.