I've a list of tables and want to sweave it for LaTex output. Here is the code:
Data <- esoph[ , 1:3]
combos <- combn(ncol(Data),2)
TabelFn <- function(x) {
Table <- addmargins(table(Data[, x[1]], Data[, x[2]]))
Table <- alply(.data=combos, .margins=2, .fun=TabelFn, .expand=TRUE)
The list Table
has three contingency tables in this case and I can sweave the output to LaTex using this code:
<< label = tabTable, echo = FALSE, results = tex >>=
print(xtable(Table[1]$'1', caption = "Contingency table for agegp and alcgp", label = "tab:Table[1]",
digits = c(0, rep(0, ncol(Table[1]$'1'))),
align = paste(paste("l|", paste(rep("r", ncol(Table[1]$'1')-1), collapse = ''), sep = ""), "l", sep = "")),
table.placement = "tbp", caption.placement = "top",
hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(Table[1]$'1')))
To send the output of three contingency tables I've to write three such commands. In this case it is feasible. But for my actual data I've many contingency tables. I'd like to know how to send all contingency tables more efficiently. One choice is to just print the list Table
without xtable
. But I'd like to have the contingency table in nice output format. Thanks for your time and help.
I needed some mock data to work with
Data <- data.frame(a=rbinom(100,1,0.5), b=rbinom(100,1,0.3), c=rbinom(100,1,0.6))
With your code to generate Table
, this will get you close
l_ply(Table, function(TBL) {
caption = "Contingency table for agegp and alcgp", #This information is not in the TBL anywhere
label = "tab:Table[1]", # This is also problematic
digits = c(0, rep(0, ncol(TBL))),
align = paste(paste("l|", paste(rep("r", ncol(TBL)-1), collapse = ''), sep = ""), "l", sep = "")),
table.placement = "tbp",
caption.placement = "top",
hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(TBL)))
You can get the label right by iterating over an index of Table
rather than Table
a_ply(seq_along(Table), 1, function(i) {
caption = "Contingency table for agegp and alcgp", #This information is not in the Table[[i]] anywhere
label = paste("tab:Table[",i,"]",sep=""),
digits = c(0, rep(0, ncol(Table[[i]]))),
align = paste(paste("l|", paste(rep("r", ncol(Table[[i]])-1), collapse = ''), sep = ""), "l", sep = "")),
table.placement = "tbp",
caption.placement = "top",
hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(Table[[i]])))
The caption can not be made automatically because the information is not there. However, if you modify your TableFn
function, you can add that information and then extract it back out.
TabelFn <- function(x) {
Table <- addmargins(table(Data[, x[1]], Data[, x[2]]))
names(attr(Table,"dimnames")) <- names(Data)[x]
Table <- alply(.data=combos, .margins=2, .fun=TabelFn, .expand=TRUE)
a_ply(seq_along(Table), 1, function(i) {
vars <- names(attr(Table[[i]],"dimnames"))
caption = paste("Contingency table for", vars[1], "and", vars[2]),
label = paste("tab:Table[",i,"]",sep=""), # This is also problematic
digits = c(0, rep(0, ncol(Table[[i]]))),
align = paste(paste("l|", paste(rep("r", ncol(Table[[i]])-1), collapse = ''), sep = ""), "l", sep = "")),
table.placement = "tbp",
caption.placement = "top",
hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(Table[[i]])))