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Acumatica Fill field from other field

I need to fill a field "description" from other field in a screen Acumatica. The problem is that one of the other field contains the identifier of the DAC but I have to retrieve the description and not the identifier.

I tried to do this with a Fluent BQL query in an Event Handler in order to retrieve the single result. var Feurname = PXSelect<BAccount, Where<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<Current<APInvoice.vendorID>>>>.Select(this, BAccount.acctName).First().GetItem();

I have the following error when I test the code : \App_RuntimeCode\APInvoiceEntry.cs(97): error CS0119: 'BAccount.acctName' is a type, which is not valid in the given context

\App_RuntimeCode\APInvoiceEntry.cs(97): error CS0120: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'PXSelectBase.Select(params object[])'

Thanks for your help!


  • So I succeeded by writing the query with LINQ instead of BQL with the following code in the event Handler. Thanks to the contributors. I would be curious to know to do the same with BQL/F-BQL.

    var row = e.Row;
    VendorMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance(); var query1 = (from p in graph.Select() where p.BAccountID == row.VendorID select p.AcctName).ToList(); string feurname = ""; if (query1.Count > 0) { feurname = Convert.ToString(query1[0]); } else { feurname = ""; } row.DocDesc = feurname;