I need to match to the strings "Johnson" and "Jackson", but not the string "Jason." Using Python, I need to use the function findall in the RegEx library.
I tried:
a = "Jackson, Johnson, Jason"
b = re.findall("J*\w{2}*son", a)
and it did not work! If there is anyone that can help, i would very much appreciate it!
findall only works with a string as input not a list.
You probably want to use map
and re.match
or re.search
for example:
Also your regex has multiple repeat symbols in it and needs some tuning, this one seems to work J\w{3}son
import re
a = ["Jackson", "Johnson", "Jason"]
c = list(map(lambda x: re.search("J\w{3}son",x), a))
print([i.string for i in c if i])
['Jackson', 'Johnson']
Update if your input type is just a string then your original expression was fine you just need to change the regex to the example above
import re
a = "Jackson Johnson Jason"
b = re.findall("J\w{3}son", a)
['Jackson', 'Johnson']