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nvprof --metrics works with c++ executable but not with fortran executable

I am trying to learn CUDA and I am now stuck at running a simple nvprof command.

I am testing a simple script in both C++ and Fortran using CUDA. The CUDA kernels test two different ways of performing a simple task with the intent to show the importance of the branch divergence issue.

When I run nvprof --metrics branch_efficiency ./codeCpp.x (i.e., on the c++ code) the command works but when I try the same thing on the corresponding fortran code, it doesn't. What is curious is that a simple <nvprof ./codeFortran.x> on the fortran executable will show an output, but anything with the <--metrics> flag will not. Below I paste some info: (note both codes compile fine and do not produce any runtime error). I am using Ubuntu 20

Anyone can help to understand this issue? Thank you

===================== c++ code

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cuda.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include "cuda_common.cuh"

// kernel without divergence
__global__ void code_without_divergence(){

   // compute unique grid index
   int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

   // define some local variables
   float a, b;
   a = b = 0.0;

   // compute the warp index
   int warp_id = gid/32;

   // conditional statement based on the warp id
   if (warp_id % 2 == 0)
      a = 150.0;
      b = 50.0;
      a = 200.0;
      b = 75.0;

// kernel with divergence
__global__ void code_with_divergence(){

   // compute unique grid index
   int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

   // define some local variables
   float a, b;
   a = b = 0.0;

   // conditional statement based on the gid. This will force difference
   // code branches within the same warp.
   if (gid % 2 == 0)
      a = 150.0;
      b = 50.0;
      a = 200.0;
      b = 75.0;

int main (int argc, char** argv){

   // set the block size
   int size = 1 << 22;

   dim3 block_size(128);
   dim3 grid_size((size + block_size.x-1)/block_size.x);

   code_without_divergence <<< grid_size, block_size>>>();

   code_with_divergence <<<grid_size, block_size>>>();

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;


================ Fortran code

   USE cudafor


   ! code without divergence routine
   ATTRIBUTES(GLOBAL) SUBROUTINE code_without_divergence()

      !> local variables
      INTEGER :: threadId, warpIdx
      REAL(KIND=8) :: a,b

      ! get the unique threadID
      threadId =   (blockIdx%y-1) * gridDim%x  * blockDim%x + &
                   (blockIdx%x-1) * blockDim%x + (threadIdx%x-1)

      ! adjust so that the threadId starts from 1
      threadId = threadId + 1

      ! warp index
      warpIdx = threadIdx%x/32

      ! perform the conditional statement
      IF (MOD(warpIdx,2) == 0) THEN
         a = 150.0D0
         b = 50.0D0
         a = 200.0D0
         b = 75.0D0
      END IF

   END SUBROUTINE code_without_divergence

   ! code with divergence routine
   ATTRIBUTES(GLOBAL) SUBROUTINE code_with_divergence()

      !> local variables
      INTEGER :: threadId, warpIdx
      REAL(KIND=8) :: a,b

      ! get the unique threadID
      threadId =   (blockIdx%y-1) * gridDim%x  * blockDim%x + &
                   (blockIdx%x-1) * blockDim%x + (threadIdx%x-1)

      ! adjust so that the threadId starts from 1
      threadId = threadId + 1

      ! perform the conditional statement
      IF (MOD(threadId,2) == 0) THEN
         a = 150.0D0
         b = 50.0D0
         a = 200.0D0
         b = 75.0D0
      END IF

   END SUBROUTINE code_with_divergence

   USE CUDAUtils

   ! define the variables
   INTEGER    :: size1 = 1e20
   INTEGER    :: istat
   TYPE(DIM3) :: grid, tBlock

   ! blocksize is 42 along the 1st dimension only whereas grid is 2D
   tBlock = DIM3(128,1,1)
   grid   = DIM3((size1 + tBlock%x)/tBlock%x,1,1)

   ! just call the module
   CALL code_without_divergence<<<grid,tBlock>>>()
   istat = cudaDeviceSynchronize()

   ! just call the module
   CALL code_with_divergence<<<grid,tBlock>>>()
   istat = cudaDeviceSynchronize()

  1. Output of nvprof --metrics branch_efficiency ./codeCpp.x
=6944== NVPROF is profiling process 6944, command: ./codeCpp.x
==6944== Profiling application: ./codeCpp.x
==6944== Profiling result:
==6944== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "NVIDIA GeForce MX330 (0)"
    Kernel: code_without_divergence(void)
          1                         branch_efficiency                         Branch Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
    Kernel: code_with_divergence(void)
          1                         branch_efficiency                         Branch Efficiency      85.71%      85.71%      85.71%
  1. Output of nvprof --metrics branch_efficiency ./codeFortran.x
==6983== NVPROF is profiling process 6983, command: ./codeFortran.x
==6983== Profiling application: ./codeFortran.x
==6983== Profiling result:
No events/metrics were profiled.
  1. Output of nvprof ./codeFortran.x
==7002== NVPROF is profiling process 7002, command: ./codeFortran.x
==7002== Profiling application: ./codeFortran.x
==7002== Profiling result:
No kernels were profiled.
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
      API calls:   99.82%  153.45ms         2  76.726ms     516ns  153.45ms  cudaLaunchKernel
                    0.15%  231.24us       101  2.2890us      95ns  172.81us  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.01%  22.522us         1  22.522us  22.522us  22.522us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.01%  9.1310us         1  9.1310us  9.1310us  9.1310us  cuDeviceGetPCIBusId
                    0.00%  5.4500us         2  2.7250us     876ns  4.5740us  cudaDeviceSynchronize
                    0.00%  1.3480us         3     449ns     195ns     903ns  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%     611ns         1     611ns     611ns     611ns  cuModuleGetLoadingMode
                    0.00%     520ns         2     260ns     117ns     403ns  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%     245ns         1     245ns     245ns     245ns  cuDeviceTotalMem
                    0.00%     187ns         1     187ns     187ns     187ns  cuDeviceGetUuid

Both the c++ and Fortran executables test the same CUDA concept. They both compile fine and no runtime errors are shown on the terminal upon execution. When I try the nvprof command on the c++ program, everything works as expected but when I try it on the corresponding fortran program, there is no output (using the --metrics flag). I would expect the same behavior obtained with the c++ code.

0 In some other discussions I found that for GPU version above 7, nvprof is no longer supported and NVIDIA Nsight should be used, however i do not think this is the case because i get the expected output with the c++ program.


  • The reason the code was not profiling as expected was that the kernels were not actually running correctly in that case.

    It's always good practice to make sure there are no runtime errors with a code before attempting any profiling. Proper CUDA error checking and compute-sanitizer are two methods to help with this.