Tree child can only have one of field tag,button, control, groupby, widget, header tag (not feild).
Odoo Server Error
Error while validating view near:
<feild name="CustomerDetailIds">
1. Tree child can only have one of field, button, control, groupby, widget, header tag (not feild)
Code XML:
<record id="view_tailor_detail_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">tailor detail form</field>
<field name="model"></field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="Phone"/>
<field name="table_no"/>
<field name="Catagory"/>
<field name="costumer_detail_id"/>
<page string="Customer detail">
<feild name="CustomerDetailIds">
<feild name="C_ids">
<feild name="details">
But when I remove the tree tag it works fine but not find any output fields on UI side.
We can use tree tag inside a one2many or many2many field.
In your case, you declared tree tag inside page tag. So Odoo can not find a valid field.
So removing the tree tag will work or use it inside one2many or many2many field.
For example:
<field name="one2many_field">
<field name="x">
<field name="y">
<field name="x">
<field name="y">