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If conditional from df to write predeterminated text with FPDF

I'm using FPDF to generate reports with charts so I was thinking about using conditionals to use predeterminated text depending on the results from the df['COLUMN'].value_counts() with something like this:

This is a df, with multi-index generated using a for with value.counts() for each column, so what I would like to do is depending if the counts as in the example in Semi-Auto is the highest count do something like this:

from fpdf import FPDF
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os

if biggest_value_from_counts is == Semi-Auto use:

   dummytext = "The most common transmission in the US is Semi-Auto becase blabla" + "\n"
   dummytext += "line 2" + "\n"
   dummytext += "line 3"
   ''' Second Page '''
   pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, dummytext)
   pdf.output(filename, 'F')

It is possible?

index   transmission
0   Automatic   22319
1   Manual  61308
2   Other   10
3   Semi-Auto   24903

enter image description here


  • df_index= df['columnname'].value_counts().idxmax()