If I add a worksheet to an Excel workbook using R
I am able to set its zoom level via:
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName="foo", zoom = "bar")
But how do I set the zoom level to an existent sheet? openxlsx provides a similar option to row heights columns width:
but I can't find the option for zoom level setting.
Somehow we have not implemented a get/set function for sheetViews
. The sheetViews xml string contains the zoom value:
"<sheetViews><sheetView workbookViewId=\"0\" zoomScale=\"100\" showGridLines=\"1\" tabSelected=\"1\"/></sheetViews>"
You can set it this way.
# set zoom
set_zoom <- function(x) gsub('(?<=zoomScale=")[0-9]+', x, sV, perl = TRUE)
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet1")
sV <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheetViews
wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheetViews <- set_zoom(75)