Im trying to create some NFTs. I've done this before and im familiar with the process but never encountered this issue before. I uploaded a folder of images, so I can include the CID in my metadata (.JSON files). For some reason when I click on files in the folder I uploaded on Pinata its adding characters to the URL that should not be there
Expected Result:[CID]/1.png
What im getting:[CID]/%201.png
Pinata/IPFS keeps appending "%20" to the beginning of my file names in the folder rather than just leaving it as "1.png"
Does anyone know what might be going on? I've tried deleting and re-uploading my files several times
This means your files have a leading space. This can happen if you programmatically created it (easy to accidentally add a space in your file name).
%20 is the url encoding for a space: