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Natural Join -- Relational theory and SQL

This question comes from my readings of C.J Date's SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code and looking up about joins on the internet (which includes coming across multiple posts here on NATURAL JOINs (and about SQL Server's lack of support for it))

So here is my problem...

On one hand, in relational theory, natural joins are the only joins that should happen (or at least are highly preferred).

On the other hand, in SQL it is advised against using NATURAL JOIN and instead use alternate means (e.g inner join with restriction).

Is the reconciliation of these that:

  • Natural joins work in true RDBMS. SQL however, fails at completely reproducing the relational model and none of the popular SQL DBMSs are true RDBMS.

and / or

  • Good/Better table design should remove/minimise the problems that natural join creates.



  • a number of points regarding your question (even if I'm afraid I'm not really answering anything you asked),

    "On one hand, in relational theory, natural joins are the only joins that should happen (or at least are highly preferred)."

    This seems to suggest that you interpret theory as if it proscribes against "other kinds" of joins ... That is not really true. Relational theory does not say "you cannot have antijoins", or "you should never use antijoins", or anything like that. What it DOES say, is that in the relational algebra, a set of primitive operators can be identified, in which natural join is the only "join-like" operator. All other "join-like" operators, can always be expressed equivalently in terms of the primitive operators defined. Cartesian product, for example, is a special case of a natural join (where the set of common attributes is empty), and if you want the cartesian product of two tables that do have an attribute name in common, you can address this using RENAME. Semijoin, for example, is the natural join of the first table with some projection on the second. Antijoin, for example (SEMIMINUS or NOT MATCHING in Date's book), is the relational difference between the first table and a SEMIJOIN of the two. etc. etc.

    "On the other hand, in SQL it is advised against using NATURAL JOIN and instead use alternate means (e.g inner join with restriction)."

    Where are such things advised ? In the SQL standard ? I don't really think so. It is important to distinguish between the SQL language per se, which is defined by an ISO standard, and some (/any) particular implementation of that language, which is built by some particular vendor. If Microsoft advises its customers to not use NJ in SQL Server 200x, then that advice has a completely different meaning than an advice by someone to not ever use NJ in SQL altogether.

    "Natural joins work in true RDBMS. SQL however, fails at completely reproducing the relational model and none of the popular SQL DBMSs are true RDBMS."

    While it is true that SQL per se fails to faithfully comply with relational theory, that actually has very little to do with the question of NJ.

    Whether an implementation gives good performance for invocations of NJ, is a characteristic of that implementation, not of the language, or of the "degree of trueness" of the 'R' in 'RDBMS'. It is very easy to build a TRDBMS that doesn't use SQL, and that gives ridiculous execution times for NJ. The SQL language per se has everything that is needed to support NJ. If an implementation supports NJ, then NJ will work in that implementation too. Whether it gives good performance, is a characteristic of that implementation, and poor performance of some particular implementation should not be "extrapolated" to other implementations, or be seen as a characteristic of the SQL language per se.

    "Good/Better table design should remove/minimise the problems that natural join creates."

    Problems that natural join creates ? Controlling the columns that appear in the arguments to a join is easily done by adding explicit projections (and renames if needed) on the columns you want. Much like you also want to avoid SELECT * as much as possible, for basically the same reason ...