i have a form page which work perfectly in locally but after uploading it to railway it start showing this error
I also checked locally it worked perfectly fine and load the page when click forms submit button but in production it throws above mentioned error
here is my form template
<form action="{% url 'personal_readme:preview' %}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
**{% csrf_token %}**
<div class="name_tag">
<h2><iconify-icon icon="bi:person-circle"></iconify-icon> ( Title )</h2>
{{ form.name.label_tag }} <span>{{ form.name }}</span>
<div class="support_tag">
<h2><iconify-icon icon="fa-solid:handshake"></iconify-icon> ( Support )</h2>
<iconify-icon icon="line-md:buy-me-a-coffee-filled"></iconify-icon> {{ form.buy_me_coffee.label_tag}} {{ form.buy_me_coffee}}
<iconify-icon icon="simple-icons:patreon"></iconify-icon> {{ form.patreon.label_tag}} {{ form.patreon}}
<div class="genrate text-center">
<button type="submit" class="gen_btn"><iconify-icon icon="bxs:file-md"></iconify-icon> Genrate File</button></div>
my views.py for
def home(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = Personal_Readme_form(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('personal_readme:preview')
form = Personal_Readme_form()
return render(request, 'home.html', {'form': form})
any suggestion might be helpful
for django 4 first install
pip install django-cors-headers
add 'corsheaders' in installed apps
add in middleware too
then set csrf trusted origin in your settings.py
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://domain.name']
and for including all the subdomain
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://*.domain.name']